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reLounge - The All-in-One Solution for Your Physiotherapy Practice

The reLounge couch is an innovative medical device that combines electrostimulation, electrotherapy, and heat therapy. It is reimbursable by public and private health insurance and offers a profitable solution for holistic therapies.

"The reLounge is like an additional therapist – effective for patients, relieving for the team, and a real asset to our practice."
Higher Revenue with Less Effort
Relief for Therapists, Less Stress
More Efficient Treatments, More Patients

Our Partners

reLounge: The All-in-One Solution for Your Physiotherapy Practice

Muscle Tone Regulation

Precise electrostimulation optimizes muscle tone and strengthens muscles. Depending on the need, it can be used for toning or relaxing therapy to avoid imbalances and improve posture.

Tissue Activation & Regeneration

Modulated frequencies stimulate cellular activity and promote tissue regeneration. Injuries heal faster, inflammation is reduced, and tissue function improves sustainably.

Pain Relief

Targeted frequency modulation regulates nerve impulses and sustainably reduces pain. Tension is efficiently relieved, ensuring your patients feel better quickly.

Personalized Programs

Individualized treatment plans tailored to patient needs ensure maximum efficiency and results.

Heat Therapy

Heat therapy promotes circulation and relaxes deep muscles. It supports natural healing and can be perfectly combined with electrotherapy.

All-In-One Solution

With the perfect combination of pain reduction, muscle strengthening, and tissue regeneration, the reLounge offers everything modern physiotherapy needs.

A Compact System That Helps Your Patients and Improves Your Practice's Efficiency

Low-frequency nerve stimulation, modulated mid-frequency muscle activation, and integrated heat therapy provide deep relaxation. Instead of multiple individual devices like TENS units, EMS systems, and heat therapy devices, reLounge offers a compact all-in-one solution for your physiotherapy practice.

Your Benefits with reLounge

Unique Selling Point

Stand out from the competition and position your practice as an innovative pioneer in physiotherapy.

Efficiency & Quality

Treat more patients simultaneously without compromising quality. Increase efficiency and reduce wait times.

Therapist Relief

Reduce your team’s workload with innovative technology. More time for patients, less stress in daily practice.

Higher Long-Term Patient Retention

Offer premium treatments that inspire. Patients return gladly and recommend your practice.

Billing for Complementary Remedies

The reLounge combines 4 therapies in one system and is reimbursable by public and private insurers.

What Practice Owners Say About reLounge

"The reLounge couch is a real game-changer for our patients – it reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and makes our treatments not only more effective but also more sustainable. Almost every patient who tries it is thrilled and would love to take it home."
Sven Gärtner, Chiropractor

More Effective Pain Therapy Through High-Tech and Holistic Care


Patients suffered from muscular imbalances and stress, complicating treatment.


Introduction of the reLounge couch for calibration and stress reduction before treatment.


Noticeable improvements after 3–5 sessions, satisfied patients, and more efficient therapies.

"The reLounge is like an additional therapist for us – it helps not only our patients but also our team to make everyday work more efficient and enjoyable."
Dominik Schuler, Physiotherapist

Boosting Efficiency and Satisfaction with the reLounge Therapy Table


Chronic pain and high workloads challenged both patients and therapists alike.


The reLounge couch was introduced to enhance pain therapy and staff well-being.


Happy patients, reduced workload for the team, noticeable improvements in just 2 weeks.

"In der Praxis haben wir oft kurze Taktungen. Die reLounge hilft uns, Patienten bestmöglich zu betreuen, während Therapeuten entlastet werden. So bleibt mehr Zeit für die gezielte, individuelle Behandlung."
Robin Selting, Physiotherapeut

Praxis 2.0: Mehr Entlastung und zufriedene Patienten dank digitaler Therapie


Überlastete Therapeuten und chronische Schmerzen erschweren effiziente Behandlungen im Praxisalltag.


Social-Media-Kampagnen führten zur Einführung der reLounge-Liege inkl. Schulungen und flexibler Abrechnung.


Patienten fühlen sich besser, Therapeuten arbeiten entspannter – reLounge überzeugt an mehreren Standorten.

"The reLounge is an absolutely sensible solution – both for preventive health and for existing issues like back problems. It strengthens muscles, relieves the spine, and can even promote regenerative processes."
Prof. Dr. Uwe Nixdorff, Internist, Cardiologist, and Sports Medicine Specialist

Revolutionary Solution for Back Problems and Health Prevention


Many people suffer from back issues and degenerative changes with age, significantly impacting their quality of life.


The reLounge strengthens back muscles through targeted electrical stimulation, alleviating discomfort and working preventively.


Improved muscles, relieved spine, and noticeable discomfort reduction – also ideal for prevention.

What Users Say About reLounge

The reLounge Integration Plan: Guaranteed Support for Your Practice's Success

Step 1

Preparation & Installation

Personal technical setup of reLounge.

Step 2

Comprehensive Training

Intensive device training for your team.

Sales training to optimize offerings.

Practical exercises for a smooth start.

Step 3

Marketing Support

Online marketing campaigns for up to 2 months for a successful start.

Fresh leads are provided.

Customized advertising materials to promote reLounge.

Step 4

Long-Term Support

Regular success analyses and optimization.

Assistance with pricing and contract templates.

Access to the reInspire Academy and our community.

What People Say About reLounge

I am absolutely delighted with the RELOUNGE lounger. At first glance, you think “looks classy.” I had the even better aha moment when using the couch. A unit on a couch feels very comfortable. After the session, the back muscles are buttery soft and all tension is gone.

Timo Hoffmann

I feel much better about my posture and feel how a visit to the spa takes me to another world. Right now, in our time, I think spas are becoming an indispensable part of daily life, much like fitness and wellness. I find that extremely important. I also appreciate the consistent quality and peace.

Shahab Abbas

In our “back workshop”, numerous people with back problems have already achieved rapid and lasting success with ReLounge — even those who have been repeatedly affected by complaints for years. It is astonishing that the positive effects are already apparent after the first few applications.

Raubling Rückenwerkstatt

A unique treatment method that I have never experienced before in this form. Warmth, deep waves using electricity combined with the feeling of a soothing massage - just wow. I look forward to the application every week. Anyone who has back pain should try this innovative technique.

Philipp Knebel

I've been using the ReLounge in my gym for 3 months now, and I have to say: Anyone who is struggling with back pain simply HAS to try out this lounger. As someone who has worked in an office for years, I only know the typical office illnesses such as headaches, neck tension, poor posture and stress.

Patricia L.

A real innovation — the EMS sector is presented here from a completely new perspective. I was impressed and the feeling during use was very pleasant. I've had back problems for a long time and am more of a cautious customer, but now I'm thinking about buying this device for the company. It can also help others preventively and with acute symptoms.

Marcel Körfer

We are an EMS studio and have been working in the fitness industry for 8 years. We offer the couch specifically with a focus on “pain reduction” in the studio. What am I supposed to say? I wish we would have been able to offer them in our facility 8 years ago. Clear recommendation!

Luis Knebel - Good Vibration Fitness

“I've already tried it, really great device and very relaxing too.” My posture has visibly improved. And the team was really nice too!”

Kurt S.

I was skeptical at first, but the result is unbelievable. There are many TENS devices that take different approaches, but none has had such a comprehensive effect so far. The performance on a medical level is particularly impressive, which can be felt from the abdominal to the gluteal muscles. I have never experienced anything so holistically effective in these areas so far.

Jessica Wadley

Unbelievable! I have been suffering from extreme back pain for over ten years. A friend recommended ReLounge to me — and what happened then was simply unbelievable. After just the first session, I felt significantly better for two days. Now, after a total of nine sessions, the pain is completely gone. I've been suffering for ten years and suddenly I feel great. I really have to recommend ReLounge to anyone with back problems. And that feeling about it? Indescribable!

Jana W.

The experience is definitely different and unique than a classic massage. It is comfortable to lie on your back and get the massage from below instead of lying face down. This type of massage opens up a whole new perspective and feels incredibly profound. It was nice to feel the effect in the muscles — more intense than just being touched by someone.

Hannah Longdon

That was really impressive — not what I expected, to be honest. It feels like I've received a massage on a couch through two electrodes. I feel great, more relaxed and less tense. We work really hard and are under a lot of stress, plus a lot of traveling. I feel refreshed now.

Francis Desjardins

ReLounge has been used in our practice for quite some time and is very popular, particularly among patients with chronic back pain. In acute cases, only a few treatments are usually required to achieve noticeable relief and rapid absence of symptoms.

Dr. Sebastian Schneider

Functionality, efficiency, efficiency and design — everything fits here. The back lounger is an extremely stylish all-rounder and a true masterpiece: It enables muscle building, training while lying down, massage, pain relief, relieving tension, reducing stress and deep relaxation. Pure back happiness!

Anja Lamm

I was impressed even during the first back workout! After the first session, you literally want to strut with a straight back, clear your mind and feel relaxed and energetic at the same time. I would even say that this massage is the best thing for my back that has ever happened to me. An absolutely unique experience!

Aleksej Rogalev

FAQs: reLounge

How does reLounge attract self-pay patients?

reLounge offers a unique treatment experience that patients love and recommend to others. By combining four forms of therapy in one system, you create a premium offering that attracts self-pay patients. Practices report a doubling of their self-pay rate in just three months.

What makes reLounge unique?

reLounge combines TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) for pain relief, EMA (electronic muscle activation) to build up the muscles and correct muscular imbalances, deep heat for metabolic activation and muscle relaxation, as well as an innovative deep massage to relieve painful tension in a single system. The system also offers customised calibration of the electrodes based on the patient's back situation and an app for tracking the progress of treatment.

How does reLounge relieve my therapists?

reLounge takes over a large part of the physically demanding work and reduces the therapists' workload. This leads to greater satisfaction in the team and reduces the risk of burnout. Your therapists can concentrate on their core competences and offer higher quality care.

How does reLounge support your treatment?

reLounge makes it possible to combine different forms of therapy in a short treatment period while increasing quality at the same time. This means that you can treat more patients per day without compromising on results. The increase in efficiency leads to a win-win situation for your practice and your patients.

What training does my team need?

We offer a comprehensive training programme that includes equipment training and sales training. Through hands-on exercises, your team will learn how to utilise the full potential of reLounge. The training is designed so that your team quickly becomes reLounge experts and can optimally pass on the benefits to patients. In addition, all training courses are available on demand via our online academy.

Is reLounge suitable for all treatments?

reLounge is ideal for the treatment of back, neck and related complaints. It is particularly effective for herniated discs, sciatica, acute and chronic back pain. Whilst it is not suitable for all physiotherapy treatments, it covers a wide range of common complaints.

What ROI can I expect?

Most practices refinance reLounge after just 6 months. With an average additional monthly turnover of €5,000 to €10,000, the investment is quickly amortised.

How do I integrate reLounge into my practice?

Our 3-phase integration plan includes personalised delivery, installation and technical set-up. We support you from preparation to training and optimisation of your offering. Our team of experts will work with you to develop an implementation strategy tailored to your practice.

Does reLounge shorten the treatment time?

Yes, reLounge enables up to 40% shorter treatment times with a simultaneous increase in quality. This means you can treat more patients per day without compromising on results. The increase in efficiency results in a win-win situation for your practice and your patients.

Are there any ongoing maintenance costs?

The ongoing maintenance costs are minimal and serve to ensure the continuous performance of your reLounge system. This investment in prevention prevents costly repairs and downtime. The exact amount depends on your individual usage profile.

What services are included with the purchase of a reLounge?

When you purchase a reLounge, you receive a comprehensive service package: we support you in online and offline marketing, advise you on the concept and pricing and offer ongoing support and community management. This allows you to reach your target group effectively and build a lively community around your reLounge.

More questions? Book a free consultation now:
Free Consultation

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Free Download: Grow Your Physiotherapy Practice!

Find out how reLounge can revolutionise your practice: More patients, increased revenue and improved therapy outcomes. Our brochure provides you with a comprehensive business case and shows you how you can integrate reLounge profitably into your offering.
Aufgeschlagene reLounge Broschüre mit detaillierten Informationen zur Rückenschmerztherapie und innovativen Design der Liege.

3 Steps to Success with reLounge

Step 1

Schedule a Free Consultation

Click on ‘Free Consultation’, enter your contact details, and we will call you back within 24 hours to arrange an appointment.
Step 2

Exclusive Expert Session

In a 30-minute meeting, we will analyse your practical situation and goals. We will show you how reLounge can be integrated and answer all your questions.
Step 3

Custom reLounge Offer

After the consultation, you will receive a customised offer with a concrete plan for integrating reLounge and a transparent cost breakdown. We'll be with you every step of the way.